1. Spending time with my besties on Friday night, with whom I spend hours giggling about rediculous topics over glasses of wine.
2. Making (and then devouring) chocolate chip cookies. Yum!
3. Going to church with my brother, who is easily becoming one of the BEST people I know.
4. Discovering new yoga and pilates classes which I am going to attempt to attend every week with said besties.
5. Getting asked to be a bridesmaid in my gorgeous (and favorite :) cousin's wedding!! The wedding is this summer and I have never been a bridesmaid before and I could not be more EXCITED!!!
6. Knowing that I get to have my favorite dinner tonight with my parents, our dear family friends, and their daughter and son-in-law, who are leaving for Mali, Africa in a matter of days to join the Peace Corps. I am so proud of them for taking on such a challenge and excited for the adventure they are about to embark on. They are truly kind and amazing people and I can't wait to see how they change the world.
Happy Monday!
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